Just like jumping rope has a rhythm, each year has a rhythm too if you think about it.
Elisa Headshot-3 (1)Right now children are getting into the school year and that has its own rhythm. Many fall/winter holidays are coming soon so that adds to the rhythm of our year that we have to plan and prepare for. Spring and Summer come with their own special rhythm and if we can learn to jump and move to the rhythm life can be much smoother. The chaos that surrounds the events can be smooth.
This time of year speaks to me as an organizer in seeing what makes the most sense to catch that rhythm. Investigating the contents of the pantry for items with ‘safe to eat’ dates and purging the contents makes sense in preparing for all the holiday cooking and baking. Those bags or boxes of food that have not been eaten yet can be delivered to the local food bank so their shelves will be filled up for the growing demands the fall and holidays brings.
Make menu plans for upcoming holidays well in advance then stock non-perishable on your shelves so simply adding those perishables is all you have to do. Be sure to stock a few random items to you are always ready for an impromptu mean like burritos or spaghetti.
The web and magazines have wonderful menus for holiday meals or ask for ideas among your friends on social media. Start prepping now for the fall/winter festivities by having a plan to calm your chaos.

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